Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Major Improvement!

God has been good. The doctor went in today expecting to find little if any improvement, but as they examined they found blood flow by all 3 of the major clots. That is a huge first step. They were able to suck out some of the clot and they will be going back in later today to try and suck out more.

Thank you for your prayers, but please don't stop. The medicine that Stanley has in him is supposed to be removed after 48 hours. Because there has been so much improvement they are going to leave it in a little while longer, but not much longer. There is a little blood in the urine, but God has been good to us.

It's amazing to see direct answer to prayer. Thank You

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Little if any improvement...


After all of our hopes that things had changed sadly, they haven't. The
doctors have seen in the dye test that there has been little if any

Aunt Kathy (Uncle Stan's wife) has asked that if you are able to fast from
this evening until 4pm tomorrow to do it. The reason that they are asking for the
fast from those times is that they are only able to have the clot busting
medicine in his system a total of 48 hours. They began it yesterday at
about 4pm. If you aren't able to fast then please pray.

Please pray that the clots will break up and that the medicine will work.
Also, there needs to be some blood flow there. God has been so faithful in
other areas here. We know that He is able to do more than we could ask or
think so please pray.

Asking for your prayers,

Uncle Stan Accepts Jesus

I just got a text message from Allie that said that she was able to share the Gospel with her uncle Stanley and he squeezed her hand saying that he wanted to pray to receive Jesus. Allie prayed with him. God is so good to us. Thank you for your prayers.

On a much less significant note, but still great they are hoping that he will be able to eat solid food today. he has also refused pain meds 3 times today. That's good, it means that he is needing less to keep pain off. They will be doing a dye test this afternoon to see if there has been opening of the veins. It seems that there has been and one of the doctors has said that he is cautiously optimistic at this point.

Continue to pray! It is working!

Allie's Uncle Stanley

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! Allie's uncle is doing better. They went in and did a procedure to try to break through some of the clots (There are several near the brain). Those clots are about the size of a pea in diameter, but they are very long. One is as long as 18cm or 7inches. The doctor was able to work through some of it and apply clot busting medicine to it, but we are far from out of the woods. After surgery uncle stanley was conscious and responsive, but still in pain. Until they are able to restore blood flow he will continue to be in pain. They will be determining blood flow today and see where he is at physically. It is better than we anticipated though. Pray for Allie as today she is going to try and share the gospel with him.

I'll be trying to update here as much as possible. The website is