Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today I Get To Live

Today I get to live

Today started out very normal. I got up, watched some TV, ate some
breakfast, got the baby ready, brought him to Mother's Day Out, went
to the gym. I hate the gym. It's a necessary evil though and I went
through my workout without much thought given to what was actually
happening. I got done with my workout, got in the shower, got out of
the shower, and started getting dressed. I was running through all
the things I have to do today in my mind. Finish sermon, plan
activity, find cool game for youth worship tonight, etc. Then an
older gentlemen walked in to the locker room. I said, "hello". He
said, "Yes, it is a great day isn't it?"

For a second I thought to myself, "self, that guy didn't hear you."
He had walked on and it would have been awkward to ask if he
understood what I meant over such a meaningless statement on my part.
Then I started to reflect on what he said though, "it is a great day
isn't it?" Thinking about that led me to John 10.10 "…I have come to
give you life and give it more abundantly." I started to realize
something that I already knew: this life is a gift and I get to live
it. So today I get to live. Tomorrow I probably will get to live too
depending on God's grace. Today though, today I get to live.