Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Major Improvement!

God has been good. The doctor went in today expecting to find little if any improvement, but as they examined they found blood flow by all 3 of the major clots. That is a huge first step. They were able to suck out some of the clot and they will be going back in later today to try and suck out more.

Thank you for your prayers, but please don't stop. The medicine that Stanley has in him is supposed to be removed after 48 hours. Because there has been so much improvement they are going to leave it in a little while longer, but not much longer. There is a little blood in the urine, but God has been good to us.

It's amazing to see direct answer to prayer. Thank You


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that there has been major improvement...I have been waiting for another posting on how it is going??
Love you and allie bunches!

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad that the lord has done this, but I was there when you annonce it.