Monday, May 12, 2008

Confession: Boasting, Bragging, or Whatever You Call It.

I’m a proud person. It’s something that I’ve known about myself for a long time. It’s something, since I’ve been saved that I hate about myself, but it’s something I haven’t worked very hard to get out of my life. Today I caught myself doing it again. My mother-in-law and I like to play around with stocks. We talk about our picks frequently and what they’ve done. Lately, I’ve been on a bit of a run. My picks have gone well and it’s looking like Drew might be able to go to college.

I was about to email my mother-in-law and let her know how well my stuff is doing when I looked to my right and saw the Don’t Waste Your Life - Group Study Kit that I’m reviewing to use for our small group. I’ve read the book by John Piper and God brought to mind the verse that he springs from for the book. Galatians 6.14 - “But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”

I’m boasting in stock picks. Stock Picks! What is the matter with me? When was the last time I boasted in Christ? When was the last time I boasted in the death of Christ on the cross for my sins? WHEN? Maybe the last time I preached, but that isn’t what the verse is about. The verse is about my daily life and in my daily life I boast about stock picks and Halo 3 scores (which I’m not even that good at) and how much I know about whatever particular subject. How ridiculous of me. None of that has lasting value. None of that matters when it comes down to anything.

Dwight (from The Office) said, “Here's my card. It's got my cell number, my pager number, my home number, and my other pager number. I never take vacations, I never get sick, and I don't celebrate any major holidays.” It’s a funny quote from a funny scene. I love The Office. I just think that is how dumb we sound though when we brag or boast in anything but the cross. I mean who really cares what we are able to do. Our lives are vapor and stock picks and halo and whatever else are just VERY small things.

The cross is where my real life began. The cross is where my bragging should begin and end. Old and wooden, splintered and stained is where my life must remain. May I keep that the center.

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