Friday, October 24, 2008

Wherever you are, be there...

"Wherever you are, be there" is something I heard somebody say once.  I think it was Rob Bell, but I'm sure he got it from somewhere else and they got it from somewhere else and so on and so on.  Anyway, it's an idea I've been pondering this week and TRYING ever so hard to apply.  

Do you know how hard it is though in today's world?  It seems like every activity is setting up for the next activity or preparing for some activity down the line.  Whenever I'm doing almost anything I'm thinking about something else.  When I'm preparing a message I'm wondering about that email I didn't get yet.  When I'm having a conversation about coffee I'm thinking about the next kind of coffee to try.  When I'm reading a book I'm thinking about Drew.  When I'm in a meeting I'm thinking about ANYTHING else (can you blame me about that one, meetings stink). When I'm writing a blog I'm thinking about me not having my message totally done...It's a never ending cycle.  

Maybe I'm crazy...or scarier...Maybe I'm normal

In our over media saturated world it is SO hard to be where you are.  I think we all have a case of self-imposed ADHD.  Maybe it's due to our cable boxes that can switch channels quicker than ever.  Maybe it's due to the quick hit news instead of digesting the newspaper.  Maybe it's due to a fast food,  1 minute or less, text-message-conversation life.  Who knows.  Whatever it is it makes it hard to be where you are.  

I'm preparing a message, amid all of this going on in my head, about Acts 17 and this guy who wherever he was, he was there.  He was always fully present, always focused on the task at hand, always satisfied with his company, himself, and the life he was living.  I think that's hard, but I think it's the way it's supposed to be.  We are to be fully immersed in the places and the people that we are with at that particular time.  

I mean when you are pouring yourself out to a friend who likes it when their phone rings and they take the call?  Nobody.  Here's to a lifestyle that isn't looking to the next thing, but to the thing right in front of it.  It's the way we're supposed to live, and if you are a believer in Jesus it's the way you're supposed to evangelize.  We're going to be talking about this in greater depth tomorrow night at a worship gathering I lead called Saturday Night.

If you're available, stop by we start at 6:30pm.  

Wherever you are, be there...


Mike Mathews said...

"Be where you are." What an awesome quote. I see myself all over this post. I lived in the future most of my adult life. I was always trying to catch up with where I thought I should be. It did not allow me to live in the present, or in the "moment" What a waste!
Today I have learned to live one day at a time and that includes living in the moment. That's where relationships can be developed and it is where most of life's most important moments take place.
I am in a "time warp" now and it is not in the year 2043, or in the is right now and that is the way to live.
Thanks for the well written post Jason. I understand.

Kaleb Fulgham said...

Thanks for this post. It is a wonderful reminder for us to focus on those around us in our seemingly hum-drum lives. How much better it would be for us and others if we slowed down and dealt with the situation at hand. So many times I think we get caught up in this "results driven" world that we hardly enjoy what we are doing in the present.


Anonymous said...

good post.... ok i'm not going to lie... i'm watching TV and talking to my wife and petting my dog mikey... i really didn't pay attention to what i was reading.