Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Uncle Stan Accepts Jesus

I just got a text message from Allie that said that she was able to share the Gospel with her uncle Stanley and he squeezed her hand saying that he wanted to pray to receive Jesus. Allie prayed with him. God is so good to us. Thank you for your prayers.

On a much less significant note, but still great they are hoping that he will be able to eat solid food today. he has also refused pain meds 3 times today. That's good, it means that he is needing less to keep pain off. They will be doing a dye test this afternoon to see if there has been opening of the veins. It seems that there has been and one of the doctors has said that he is cautiously optimistic at this point.

Continue to pray! It is working!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He has gone to the lord and that is what he wanted all along, but we will miss him. Just like that the lord said it was time to let him go, so he can pass on.